Studio Camatta

Italian Citizenship and Sworn Translations

Studio Camatta

Italian Citizenship and
Sworn Translations

“Being an Italian descendant today represents the recovery of a history linked to the labor and struggles of our ancestors.”

Douglas Camatta

Being an Italian descendant today represents the recovery of a history linked to the labor and struggles of our ancestors.”

Douglas Camatta

About Us

Studio Camatta, led by renowned Italo-Brazilian expert Douglas Camatta, is a reference when it comes to Italian citizenship, immigration rights, and assistance in the Italo-Brazilian universe. Based in Turin since 1996, Douglas Camatta has established a solid reputation as a sworn translator at the Turin Court in Italy.

Studio Camatta is recognized for its wide range of specialized services. Our team has deep expertise and knowledge, offering comprehensive and personalized assistance in all matters related to Italian citizenship. Our dedication to helping individuals and families who wish to obtain Italian citizenship is evident in our commitment to providing a high-quality service.

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Whether you are a descendant of Italians seeking recognition of Italian citizenship, someone interested in immigrating to Italy, or any other related matter, Studio Camatta is the right place for you. Douglas Camatta and his team are ready to carefully analyze your documentation, provide clear guidance, and accompany you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

With our passion and dedication in the field of Italian citizenship and immigration rights, Studio Camatta is the ideal choice for those seeking reliable and respected assistance. Rely on Studio Camatta’s experience to fulfill your dream of becoming an Italian citizen, always with excellent service.

Count on our team to obtain the necessary professional advice and achieve your goals regarding Italian citizenship and matters related to the Italo-Brazilian universe.

Document Analysis

Performing the Verification of Certificates for the Italian Citizenship process, an essential service to achieve your goal. Our thorough analysis aims to ensure the viability of the process, create a personalized roadmap, and assess the need for document rectification.

How does the process work?

To begin, it is crucial that the interested party possesses all the required certificates in full form and recently issued, covering both Italian ancestors and the applicants for Italian citizenship.

Initially, we will conduct a detailed analysis, paying special attention to identifying errors and the need for rectifications. During this process, we will evaluate whether the applicant is entitled to Italian citizenship recognition and if the process is viable. If there is no entitlement, we will present the reason that hinders the continuation of the process. However, if the applicant is entitled to Italian citizenship recognition, we will proceed with the procedure and work tirelessly to obtain the long-awaited recognition of Italian citizenship.

Our specialized team is ready to assist you at each step of the process, providing the guidance and support necessary for you to successfully achieve your goal. Count on us to pave the way towards the realization of your dream of obtaining Italian citizenship.

Sworn Translation

Translation for documents related to the recognition of Italian citizenship.
Sworn translation is mandatory for all Brazilian documents that will be used in the process of recognizing Italian citizenship. We follow all the laws and regulations of the Italian citizenship recognition process.

Translation of CNH (Brazilian Driver’s License)

The Brazilian driver’s license is valid for non-resident citizens in Italy who are traveling for tourism purposes within a 90-day period. However, it is more advisable for Brazilian citizens visiting as tourists (non-residents) to have the Brazilian driver’s license in the international standard. To do so, the National Traffic Department (Denatran) established, through Ordinance number 25, on March 31, 2006, the so-called International Driving Permit (IDP). The IDP is issued by the State Traffic Department (Detran) of each state. To request the IDP, the individual must hold a valid Brazilian driver’s license and go to the Detran of their state of residence.

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Em 15/01/2018 entrou em vigor o Acordo Brasil-Itália sobre Conversão de Carteiras de Motorista. Com isso, os nacionais de um dos países que residem no outro país podem solicitar a conversão da sua carteira de motorista do país de origem para a do país de residência atual, ou seja, os brasileiros residentes na Itália podem solicitar a conversão da CNH em “patente di guida” sem que seja necessário refazer os exames teóricos, desde que preencham os requisitos listados abaixo:

– Só serão convertidas carteiras definitivas, válidas e em vigor;
– Só serão convertidas carteiras das categorias A e B. Para obtenção de categorias diversas, deverão ser realizados os exames específicos previstos na legislação de cada país;
– Somente residentes legalmente no país há menos de 4 anos da data de solicitação da conversão poderão fazê-la. Os brasileiros que tiverem residentes legalmente a mais de 4 (quatro) anos terão a carteira italiana fornecida com notificação para realização dos exames teóricos e práticos.

– Não podem ser convertidas carteiras emitidas após a obtenção da residência legal.

Os brasileiros não residentes na Itália, ou residentes por um período de tempo não superior a um ano, possuem duas opções para conduzir veículo automotor no País:

– Efetuar, na Itália, tradução juramentada da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação Brasileira. A CNH brasileira deve ser válida e acompanhada da tradução oficial. Nós nos encarregaremos de providenciar a tradução oficial necessária diretamente na Itália.

– Solicitar, no Brasil, a Permissão Internacional para Dirigir (PID), emitida pelos departamentos de trânsito dos Estados (DETRAN). A Convenção de Viena de 1968 padronizou o modelo de carteira internacional de habilitação, facilitando a identificação do motorista e o veículo que está apto a dirigir.

Italian Citizenship in Italy

We offer specialized advisory services for the recognition of Italian citizenship in Italy, with a focus on in-person assistance and extensive experience since 2007. Throughout this period, we have provided complete assistance and support to our clients at every stage of the process, ensuring exceptional and personalized service.

We fully understand the importance of this moment for you, which is why we dedicate ourselves to providing excellent service. Our team is prepared to guide you from start to finish, ensuring that you are supported at every step.

Furthermore, our on-site presence in Italy allows us to provide even more comprehensive and effective support. We are familiar with the bureaucratic and legal intricacies of the country, enabling us to offer precise and up-to-date guidance. We are committed to facilitating your path to Italian citizenship recognition, making the process smoother and less complex.

Whatever your situation or doubt may be, you can rely on us to provide quality service and constant support. We are here to assist you in achieving your goal of obtaining Italian citizenship recognition in Italy, turning this moment into a smooth and rewarding experience.

Italian Citizenship via Judicial Process

We offer specialized advisory services for the recognition of Italian citizenship through judicial procedures, covering the following cases:

Maternal Line:
After the enactment of the Italian Constitution on January 1, 1948, which established equality between men and women under the law, new possibilities arose for children of Italian women born before that date. Previously, only children of Italian fathers transmitted Italian citizenship. For these cases, we assist in the entire recognition process before the court in Italy, ensuring that children of Italian women born before 1948 have their citizenship rights recognized.

Judicial Action against the Consulate:
Consulates have a legal deadline of 730 days to carry out the recognition of Italian citizenship. However, in some cases, this deadline may not be met. To avoid delays and ensure that the process takes place within the timeframe established by law, it is possible to file a judicial action in the Italian court. The benefit of this approach is that it is not necessary to reside in Italy or be physically present. Additionally, in these cases, citizenship recognition extends to all descendants involved in the same judicial action.

Our team is prepared to provide specialized legal assistance in both of the situations mentioned above. With extensive experience in judicial processes for the recognition of Italian citizenship, we are committed to assisting you at every stage of the process, from preparing the documentation to representing you before the Italian court. Count on us to ensure that your citizenship rights are recognized fairly and efficiently, providing you and your descendants with access to the benefits and opportunities that Italian citizenship offers.

AIRE Registration

(Anagrafe Italiani Residenti All’Estero)

The Registry of Italian Residents Abroad (A.I.R.E. Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero) was established by Law No. 470 on October 27, 1988, and contains the data of Italian citizens residing abroad for a period exceeding twelve months. It is managed by the Municipalities in coordination with the consular representations abroad.

Registration in the A.I.R.E. is a right of the citizen (Article 6 of Law No. 470/1988) and is a prerequisite for taking advantage of a series of services provided by consular representations abroad, as well as exercising important rights, such as:

• the possibility of obtaining or renewing a passport, identity and travel documents, as well as certifications;
• the opportunity to vote in political elections and referendums by correspondence in the country of residence and in the election of Italian representatives to the European Parliament in the seats created by the consular-diplomatic network in EU countries.
• the option to renew the Italian driver’s license (only in countries outside the European Union).

The following individuals must register in the A.I.R.E:

• Italian citizens who transfer their residence abroad for a period exceeding 12 months;
• those who already reside outside Italy, whether they were born abroad or acquired Italian citizenship subsequently for any reason.

Registration in the A.I.R.E. is performed through a declaration made by the interested party to the consular service responsible for the territory within 90 days after the transfer of residence, and it involves the simultaneous cancellation of the Resident Population Register in the original Italian municipality. Documentation proving actual residence in the consular district must be attached to the specific application form.
The data that must always be updated at the Italian Consulate includes:
– Address
– Marital status (marriage, divorce, widowhood)
– Family composition (children under 18 years of age)

Failure to update the information, particularly regarding a change of address, hinders contact with the citizen and the receipt of postal cards or electoral envelopes in case of voting. It is important to always provide the correct address.
You will need to provide:
– Recent proof of address;
– Scanned copies of the Italian passport, including those of the spouse and minor children;
– A signed form that we will fill out on the consulate’s website.

These documents should be scanned in black and white; it is best to avoid photos.

If you need to register in the A.I.R.E., we would be honored to handle this procedure for you. We will fill out all the required forms provided by the Consulate, attaching the necessary documentation, and subsequently monitor the registration process until the data updates are confirmed.




Thanks to the excellent service provided by this wonderful team, I managed to obtain my dual citizenship quickly, safely, and efficiently. I recommend it to everyone!

Janaína A. Ricci

The sworn translations provided by Studio Camatta are of high quality and have helped me resolve important legal matters. Competent and reliable professionals!

Cláudio P. Rossi

I am extremely satisfied with the Italian citizenship services. The process was streamlined, and the team was always helpful and attentive. I recommend it to everyone!

Angelo C. Dimianni

The sworn translations and document analysis provided by Studio Camatta were essential for my immigration process. They were fast, accurate, and reliable.

Giovanna Moretti

I am immensely grateful to Studio Camatta for helping me obtain my Italian citizenship. The service was exceptional, and the process was completed efficiently.

Bruno Souza

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